Nauka innov. 2013, 9(5):48-54
K.P. Kostogryz
The Gas Institute, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Installation for Manufacture of the Heat-Insulating Filler as Hollow Micropellets
Section: Scientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The results of the innovation project on creation of the equipment for heat insulating filler manufacture for construction are presented. The research on a heat treatment of raw natural aluminоsilicate material from different deposits in the laboratory-scale fluidized bed unit are carried out. The processed results of the research - dependences of the coefficient of material expanding from treatment temperature and initial particle size are introduced. The scheme of the technological line in which the unit for hollow micropellet filler manufacture is integrated.
Key words: heat insulating filler, perlite, expanding, fluidized bed.
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