
Nauka innov. 2013, 9(5):19-26

V.P. Klimenko, V.B. Korbut, N.G. Iyevlyev, V.G. Butko, S.D. Lutov, O.V. Gedz, S.E. Moiseenko, N.G. Aronov, E.O. Bondarenko, V.A. Dmitrenko, E.A. Vasyuk, V.V. Zharinov
Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


Energy-Saving Automation and LED Lighting Systems in Industry, Transport, Building and Municipal Sector

Section: Scientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Protocol of diverse technological data unification providing the ability to scale with a minimal increase in auxiliary information volume that allows its usage, ranging from the simplest microcontrollers to integration of automation equipment in global systems was designed for industrial automation systems. Basic technical solutions implemented in development of LED lighting systems of salon subway cars, including a schematic diagram of the lamp, the main technical characteristics of the lamp power supply, the peculiarities of developed design of LED modules are described..
Key words: energy saving, energy efficiency, automation of engineering equipment, LED, lighting systems.

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