Nauka innov. 2013, 9(2):72-76
O.V. Vertsanova
LLC "Melitek-Ukraine", Kyiv
Preparation of Samples of Metals and Iron based Alloys for Reasearch on Scanning Electron Microscope Using the Electron Backscatter Diffraction Method
Section: The World of Innovations
Language: Russian
Abstract: Electron backscatter diffraction method in a scanning electron microscope is used today in various areas of research: in the metal industry, aerospace industry, nuclear, automotive, microelectronics industry and scientific research. When using this method of preparation the quality of the sample surface is important. Equipment and methods of laboratory equipment manufacturer Struers (Denmark) for sample preparation will help researchers to solve this problem and provide quality polished surface of samples. The article describes the main stages of sample preparation and offers recommendations on the choice of equipment and its modes of operation.
Key words: sample preparation, scanning electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction method.