Nauka innov. 2013, 9(2):36-40
V.D. Ryzhikov, B.V. Grinyov, V.G. Volkov, E.K. Lisetskaya, S.V. Makhota, E.V. Popkova
Institute for Scintillation Materials, NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv
An Instrument for Control of X-ray Emitters’ Parameters
Section: The World of Innovations
Language: Russian
Abstract: A non-contact measuring method of X-ray tube voltage, exposure dose rate and exposure dose is proposed. It is based on the use of original two-energy X-ray detector. Measurement of accelerating voltages in the range from 40 to 150 kV and dose rate measurements with increased accuracy, which is achieved due to the special shape of the spectral sensitivity characteristics of detector elements, are simulated on a device scale-model.
Key words: X-ray radiation, anode voltage, dose, detector.
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