Nauka innov. 2012, 8(6):60–66
І.Ya. Skrypkina1, О.G. Kondratov1, L.O. Tsyba1, G.V. Panasenko1, О.V. Nikolaienko1, А.М. Romanenko2, O.O. Kolesnyk3, D.Ye. Morderer1, K.A. Nekrasov1, V.І. Каshuba1, S.O. Vozianov2, I.B. Shchepotin3, А.V. Rynditch1
1Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
2State Institution «Institute of Urology, Academy of Medical Ukraine», Kyiv
3National Cancer Institute, Kyiv
Detection of Cell-Free DNA and Gene-Specific Methylation in Blood Plasma of Patients with Renal and Colon Cancer
Section: Scientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Gene-specific methylation and concentration of cell-free DNA in blood can be important tools for the early diagnosis of cancer. Here, we have shown that total cell-free DNA levels were higher in patients with renal and colon cancer compared to healthy individuals. The results indicated that cellfree DNA can be used for detection of hypermethylation of cancer marker genes. CpG islands of LRRC3B, APC and FHIT genes were hypermethylated in 33,3 %; 27,8 % and 33,3 % of patients with renal cancer and in 14,3 %; 28,5 % and 19 % of patients with colon cancer, respectively. Hypermethylation of LRRC3B, APC and FHIT was not detected in cell-free DNA of healthy individuals. We have proposed the methods for quantitative analysis of cell-free DNA in blood plasma and detection of the methylation of marker genes, which could be useful for diagnostics of cancer.
Key words: cell-free DNA, renal cancer, colon cancer, methyl-specific PCR, tumor marker genes.
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