Nauka innov. 2012, 8(4):40–44
A. Zgurskyu, G. Polischuk, N. Vovkodav, N. Breus
National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv
Dispergating of Fatty Phase at Milk Vegetable Ice- Cream Production
Розділ: Scientific Basis of Innovation Activity
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: An emulsifying ability of pectin raw material in direct type emulsions is investigated. Recommended emulsifying modes and terms of coconut butter in the select systems are determined. An engineering and mathematical basis for predicting the efficiency of emulsification is obtained. Emulsions for application in milk vegetable ice-cream production on the basis of vegetable raw material are recommended.
Key words: pumpkin, pumpkin powder, pectin’s substan ces, emulsion firmness homogenization.
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