Nauka innov. 2012, 8(4):33–39
A.V. Gavrysh1, O.E. Shevchenko2, O.V. Nemirich2
1National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv
2Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade, Kharkiv
Complex Enrichment of Glazed Ice Cream with Organic Compounds of Iodine and Iron
Section: Scientific Basis of Innovation Activity
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The questions of a comprehensive enrichment of glazed cream with organic compounds of iodine and iron structure are observed. Prescription of ice cream with added elamin and chocolate glaze containing «heme» iron, as semi-finished products finishingcream with additives elaminu and chocolate glaze that contains heme iron as semi-finished products was developed. The schema of ice cream production, enriched with iodine and glaze containing «heme» iron are drawn up. The recommendations on component composition of «ice cream-glaze» complex food system are given.
Key words: ice cream, elamin, glaze, organic compounds, iodine, heme iron.
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