75 years of Experimental Discovery of the Type II Superconductivity (Shubnikov phase)

Title75 years of Experimental Discovery of the Type II Superconductivity (Shubnikov phase)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsShepelev, AG
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Basis of Innovation Activity
The paper covers main facts of the way covered by the scientists of world cryogenic laboratories to the discovery of the type II superconductivity at the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Physics and Technology (prior UFTI) in 1936. Basic results and appraisals of the discovery by the foremost authorities in the field of superconductivity are presented; the role of the phenomenon in present-day science and technology is briefly discussed.
Keywordsmagnetic systems, Shubnikov phase, type II superconductivity
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