Determination of Sapphire Stoichiometry by X-RAY Scattering

TitleDetermination of Sapphire Stoichiometry by X-RAY Scattering
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsSafronov, RI
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The possibility of sapphire stoichiometry determination by X-ray dispersion measurements was studied. The measurements were carried out using the X-ray fluorescent spectrometer adjusted in X-ray optical scheme with the secondary radiation source. The parameters measured were X-ray dispersion integral intensities of coherent (Ik) and incoherent (Ir) peaks. The concentrations of the F- and F + centers were measured by the optical absorption at 206, 225 and 255 nm wavelengths. The existence of a certain relation between Ik/Ir value and sapphire stoichiometry was revealed. The formula for cation vacancies quantity determination in the sapphire is proposed.
Keywordsnon-destructive testing methods, stoichiometry of crystal composition, X-ray fluorescent spectrometer, X-ray scattering
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