Simulation Design of Economic Processes

TitleSimulation Design of Economic Processes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsKuz'min, OYe., Kozik, VV, Sidorov, Yu.I, Yerashok, VE
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Basis of Innovation Activity
History of origin, modern state and future of method of аbduction аgent-based computer simulation modeling is considered. The method is used for explanation of evolutional processes’ proceeding in economy and also for prognostication of the development of economic patterns. In spite of failings (in particular, not enough realistic agent behavior) which can be overcame by the improvement of both model’s content parts and software, the method is already used with commercial and expert aims by individual firms, industries and governments of different countries.
Keywordsprognostication, simulation design, simulation research
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