Use of Endophytic Bacteria for Adaptation of in vitro grown Potato Plants to ex vitro Conditions and Protection of Planting Material from Phytopathogenes
Title | Use of Endophytic Bacteria for Adaptation of in vitro grown Potato Plants to ex vitro Conditions and Protection of Planting Material from Phytopathogenes |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2010 |
Authors | Ardanov, РYe., Lyashchenko, SV, Podolich, OV, Ryazantsev, VB, Zaets, IYe., Kozyrovska, NO |
Short Title | Nauka innov. |
DOI | 10.15407/scin6.06.051 |
Volume | 6 |
Issue | 6 |
Section | Scientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
Pagination | 51-55 |
Language | Ukrainian |
Abstract | A scientific approval for the development of biotechnology for adaptation of potato plants in vitro and their natural immunnity priming by potato endophytic bacteria has been founded. Bacterization of healed potato by strains Methylobacterium radiotolerans IMBG290 and Pseudomonas putida IMBG294 at transferring to ex vitro conditions’ allowed to increase the plants engraftment and forming of valuable seedlings, and to avoid mandatory use of expensive pesticides. Minituber yield of seedlings obtained from inoculated cuttings exceeded control more than 50%. In addition, the number and weight of tubers increased. Priming potential of M. radiotolerans IMBG290 against potato pathogens with different strategies is a sort-specific. The positive effects of plant priming obtained after cuttings treatment during micropropagation preserved in the next generation.
Keywords | endophytic bacteria, ex vitro adaptation, in vitro-grown potato, potato protection |
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