Elastic Recoil Detection Channel for Hydrogen Investigation in Materials

TitleElastic Recoil Detection Channel for Hydrogen Investigation in Materials
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsKramchenkov, AB, Storizhko, VYu., Drozdenko, OO, Denysenko, VL, Carstanjen, HD
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Basis of Innovation Activity
A new analytical elastic recoil detection channel as a part of the IAP NASU microanalytical facility is described. The main purpose of the channel is quantitative non-destructive investigation of hydrogen in materials by elastic recoil detection technique. Due to application of the precision electrostatic spectrometer in combination with position-sensitive detector high energy and, hence, depth resolution is obtained. Relative energy resolution of the instrument ΔE/E is 3×10-4. Limit of hydrogen detection is about 10 ppm.
Keywordselectrostatic spectrometer, ERDA, high resolution, hydrogen profiling, microanalytical facility
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