
Research and Engineering Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Kivva, F.V., Gorobets, V.M., Golovko, M.I., Zotov, S.M., Goncharenko, Yu.V., Kovorotniy, O.L., Govorischev, O.I.
Equipment for Sorbent Regeneration in the Electromagnetic Field
Language: Russian
Nauka innov. 2010, 6(3):12-19

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Skalsky, V.R., Klym, B.P., Plakhtiy, R.M., Pochapsky, Ye.P., Stankevych, О.M., Tolopko, Ya.D., Velyky, P.P.
Portable System SKOP-8М for Measurement and Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2010, 6(3):20-29

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Burtnyak, V.M., Zabulonov, Yu.L., Lisichenko, G.V., Odukalets, L.A.
Multifunction Analyzer for Determination of Radioactive Anomalies and Research of Stippler of Mining Hole
Language: Russian
Nauka innov. 2010, 6(3):30-35

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Rudenko, E.М., Korotash, I.V., Semenyuk, V.F., Shamrai, K.P.
Vacuum-plasma Module for the Forming of Structure Element Base of Nanoelectronics and Microenergetics
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2010, 6(3):36-38

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Pepeljaev, V.A., Knopov, P.S., Atoyev, K.L., Bigdan, V.B., Chorny, Yu.M.
Information-Analytical System for Complex Environmental-Technogenic and Social- Economic Risks Analyses in the Field of Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2010, 6(3):39-46

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Zharkov, I.P., Ivashchenko, O.M., Safronov, V.V.
Information-Measuring System for Tunnel Spectroscopy
Language: Russian
Nauka innov. 2010, 6(3):47-52

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Zhuchkov, S.M., Baryshev, Е.V., Lokhmatov, A.P., Sikachina, І.V., Klyuchnikov, К.Yu., Galenko, Yu.S., Barisheva, L.P.
Fulfillment of the Technology of Metal Preparation for Cold Deformation in Structures of Simple and Complex Sections at the Non-Specialized Manufactures
Language: Russian
Nauka innov. 2010, 6(3):5-11

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