Quantum Pharmacology: New Direction in Materia Medica

TitleQuantum Pharmacology: New Direction in Materia Medica
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsChekman, IS
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Basis of Innovation Activity
On the basis of literature data analysis and own research new directions in quantum pharmacology development are allocated. They are: 1) research of spatial and electronic structure of materia medica molecules; 2) establishment of dependence between chemical structure and pharmacological activity of medicines (QSAR); 3) role of solvent in preparation effect mechanism; 4) definition of pharmacophores of medical products; 5) design of preparations for various diseases treatment de novo development; 6) forecasting of medicine pharmacological activity; 7) protein-ligand interactions between physiologically active substances of preparations and biomolecules. The further development of a new direction in Materia Medica – quantum pharmacology – is to promote more accelerated synthesis of new medical products for treatment of various diseases.
Keywordsforecast of activity of chemical compounds, medical products, pharmacophores, QSAR, quantum pharmacology
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