Distributed Integrated System of Monitoring and Tracing for Kernel-Radiation Substances, Radiation Withdrawals and Ionizing Radiation Sources on the Kernel-Fuel Cycle Objects

TitleDistributed Integrated System of Monitoring and Tracing for Kernel-Radiation Substances, Radiation Withdrawals and Ionizing Radiation Sources on the Kernel-Fuel Cycle Objects
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsLisichenko, GV, Zabulonov, Yu.L, Burtnyak, VM
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The article presents scientifically grounded requirements to distributed integrated system of monitoring and tracing for kernel-radiation withdrawals and ionizing radiation sour ces, development of its functional and structural characteristics, determination of methodological and technical con ditions of its functioning, optimisation of the structure and aggregate components.
Keywordsmanagement center, mobile modules, structure of the system, terrorism
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