Introduction of the Methods of Genetically Modified Compound Control in Seed Material of Agricultural Species and Standardization of their Normative Providing

TitleIntroduction of the Methods of Genetically Modified Compound Control in Seed Material of Agricultural Species and Standardization of their Normative Providing
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsPirko, Ya.V, Korkhovy, VI, Kashevarov, GP, Komarnitsky, IK, Karpov, PA, Yemets, AI, Kuchuk, MV, Sorochinsky, BV, Blume, Ya.B
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Methods for the PCR detection of genetically modified soybean, rape, sugar beet and potato plant materials have been developed and introduced in practice. The sets of oligonucliotide primers available for testing of mentioned above cultivars have been designed and synthesized. The protocols to detect the genetically modified compounds in plant raw material have been proposed.
Keywordscorn, detection, genetically modified plants, polymerase chain reaction, potato, rapeseed, soybean, sugar beet
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