Practice of Creation of Informational-Positioning GNSS-System and Network VRS Technology for Geodetic and Cadastral Surveying Assistance in Ukraine

TitlePractice of Creation of Informational-Positioning GNSS-System and Network VRS Technology for Geodetic and Cadastral Surveying Assistance in Ukraine
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsYatskiv, Ya.S, Kharchenko, VP, Shokalo, VM, Tereshchuk, AI, Zhalilo, OO, Kondratyuk, VM, Lukyanov, AM, Lytvyn, MO, Shelkovenkov, DO, Kutsenko, AV, Zhelanov, OO, Grinchenko, EV, Gaznyuk, MA, Vishnyakova, EV
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Results of scientific and technological pilot project carried out in 2007 for the implementation of modern satellite technologies of high precision positioning for geodetic and cadastre survey, support of the land management in Ukraine are presented. The prototype of information and measuring GPS/GNSS-system that realizes the network (area) differential VRS error corrections of satellite observations and grants the information services on all the territory of currently served region was made. Using the measurements of GPS/GNSS station network (Kiev, Chernigov, Priluki of the Chernigov region) and user's GPS observations experimental tests were carried out. It is shown that centimeter/sub-decimeter accuracy of positioning (using both single- and dual-frequency user GPS r-ceivers) in a mode of post processing is achieved in an operative range of the GPS/GNSS network with the baselines 130-150 km. DGPS/RTK mode of positioning could provide geodetic RTK surveying with accuracy of 2-5 cm in the radius of 20 km around the nearest GPS base station.
Keywordsaccuracy, GNSS, information, network, processing, system, VRS
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