The Effective Preparation in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of Postpartum Diseases in Farm Animals

TitleThe Effective Preparation in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of Postpartum Diseases in Farm Animals
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsSafronova, LA, Osadchaya, AI
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
On the basis of two strains of bacteria Bacillus subtilis, supplementing each other in biological activity, the preparation-probiotic Endosporinum for treatment and prophylaxis of postpartum endometritis in cows is developed. Wide examinations of Endosporinum specific activity and harmlessness for the warm-blooded animals have been fulfilled. Endosporinum has shown higher efficiency in comparison with preparations frequently used in economy means. Unique Endosporinum properties are used in prophylaxis and spontaneous unsurgical removal of fetal membrane in ows at its delay more than 6-12 hours after calving.
Keywordsbiopreparation, endometritis in cows, Endosporinum, harmfulness, probiotic, specific activity
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