Wind Electric Turвo-Generator TG-750

TitleWind Electric Turвo-Generator TG-750
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsGolubenko, МS, Olishevska, VЕ, Kurdyukov, SD, Olishevsky, GS, Kurdyukov, SS
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Construction of new wind electrical turbo-generator TG-750 is described. It differs from traditional three-blade machines used in the world. Thanks to new design the plant's mass is 25 % less to соmpare with western plants, its cost is 20 % less, and efficiency of the key wind-wheel is constantly high from the start uр to rated wind speed.
Keywordscircuit without step-up gear, multipole generator, plant's mass, power of turbine, rotor, wind electric turbo-generator, wind-wheel
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