
Research and Engineering Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Zhuchkov, S.M., Gorbanev, A.A., Kolosov, B.N.
The Perspective Technological Scheme of High-Speed Rolling Rod
Language: Russian
Nauka innov. 2008, 4(3):14-21

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Kaberniuk, А.А., Oliinyk, O.S., Redchuk, Т.А., Romanyuk, S.І., Kolybo, D.V., Ievtushenko, V.V., Golovach, O.V., Kramarev, S.O., Komisarenko, S.V.
Development of Immunochemical Test Systems for Anti-Diphtheria Immunity Control in Population of People
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2008, 4(3):22-31

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Dragovoz, I.V., Antonyuk, V.P., Volkogon, M.V., Yavorska, V.K.
Technology of Complex Growth Regulator for Cereal Crops "Biowheatrex"
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2008, 4(3):32-42

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Melezhik, P.N., Razskazovskiy, V.B., Reznichenko, N.G., Zuykov, V.A., Andrenko, S.D., Sidorenko, Yu.V., Provalov, S.A., Varavin, A.V., Usov, L.S., Chmil, V.M., Mus'kin, Yu.N.
Semiconductor Coherent Ka-Band Radar for Airport Surface Traffic Monitoring
Language: Russian
Nauka innov. 2008, 4(3):5-13

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The World of Innovations

Chekman, I.S., Gorchakova, N.A.
Biosensors: State and Prospects of Scientific Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2008, 4(3):75-79

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Shpak, A.P., Rudenko, L.G.
New Researches of the Nature and Society of Ukraine and their Embodiment in the National Atlas of Ukraine
Language: Russian
Nauka innov. 2008, 4(3):80-87

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