Technique of Experimental Substantiation of Technological Parameters of Devices with the Spouting Bed Application

TitleTechnique of Experimental Substantiation of Technological Parameters of Devices with the Spouting Bed Application
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsTimoshenko, VI, Knyshenko, Yu.V, Ljashenko, Yu.G, Deshko, AE, Osadchy, AV
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The technique of design and regime parameters substantiation of technological devices with a spouting bed of loose materials on the basis of gasdynamic processes experimental modelling on small-scale and full-scale installations is proposed. Using the results of experiments on various scale plants the requirements to design of the working part of the technological device, level of starting filling by initial product, and mode of gas mixture submission to provide the effective technological process with spouting bed are formulated. For various loose materials on small-scale and full-scale installations the dependencies for the definition of starting pressure, pressures and rates corresponding to the beginning and the end of steady spouting are received. The results obtained correlate with known literary data and can be used in development of technological devices working in spouting bed mode.
Keywordsexperimental installation, loose material, modelling, scale effect, spouting bed, technological device
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