Financial Mechanism for Organization of Innovation and Investment Activity in Regions

TitleFinancial Mechanism for Organization of Innovation and Investment Activity in Regions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsMiklovda, VP, Popadinets, VI, Tupitsa, MM, Chimenko, OA
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionThe World of Innovations
Simple, reliable and transparent mechanism of sustainable improvement of socioeconomic balancing providing of regional development (regions, districts, cities etc) is proposed. It supposes implementation of new efficient forms of innovation and investment cooperation between scientists and technicians, businessmen, local authorities and community, using mainly local energy, raw material, technological, material and human resources
Keywordsbasic and innovation production (BP and IP), regional budget of development, regional communal innovation financial and credit funds, specialized financial and credit institutions
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