Development of Injection Technologies and Creation of a Mobile Equipment Complex for Diagnostics and Restoration of Working Capacity of Concrete and Reinforsed Concrete Buildings and Constructions Maintained in Conditions of Corrosion-Mechanical Destruct

TitleDevelopment of Injection Technologies and Creation of a Mobile Equipment Complex for Diagnostics and Restoration of Working Capacity of Concrete and Reinforsed Concrete Buildings and Constructions Maintained in Conditions of Corrosion-Mechanical Destruct
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsMarukha, VI, Serednytskyi, Ya.A, Gnyp, IP, Sylovaniuk, VP
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionResearch and Engineering Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Major corrosive-mechanical factories that cause cracks and other damages initiation of constructions and buildings from concrete, reinforced concrete and other building materials in operation are considered from the viewpoint of fracture mechanics. The theoretical fracture model of the system "a rigid matrix - an elastic inclusion" has been developed and physic-mechanical parameters of polyurethane elastomers and systems "concrete- polyurethane-concrete" have been investigated. Objects that have to undergo injection restoration with yielding polyurethane compositions are listed. The mobile diagnostic-restoration complex on the van chassis has been created and equipped. Technological processes of injection strengthening and restoration of concrete and reinforced concrete constructions performance have been perfected and used commercially
Keywordsconcrete building structures and constructions, corrosive-mechanical fracture, injection, protection
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