Increase of the Production Efficiency and Quality of Rolled Products and Wire Rod by Implementing New Technical Decisions

TitleIncrease of the Production Efficiency and Quality of Rolled Products and Wire Rod by Implementing New Technical Decisions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsZhuchkov, SM, Lutsenko, VA
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionResearch and Engineering Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
As illustrated in the article, no drive devices in the line of mill allow to make good use of the energy expended on the process of rolling. The Termokinetics Diagram of disintegration of austenite of high-carbon steel and regressive mathematical dependences are generated. They allow to forecast optimum correlation of high-quality indexes, on the basis of which new modes of Thermo-mechanical treatment of high-carbon wire in the stream of wire mill are offered
Keywordscontrolled cooling, microstructure, no drive deformation devices, quality, steel, thermos-mechanical treatment, wire rolled
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