
Nauka innov. 2007, 3(2):34–47

V. V. Rybak, S. K. Sklyarenko, O. O. Strokach
Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine


The Device on the Base of the Infrared Pyroelectric Detector for Remote Temperature Measurement for the Axle-Box Units of Rail Transport During Movement

Section: R&D Projects of “Program of Cooperation between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  and Kyiv City State Administration”
Language: Russian
Abstract: The paper presents the device which was designed in Institute of Physics of NASU on the base of the two-spectral radiometer for temperature measurement of the axle-box units of rail transport. Technical parameters of the device allow to install temperature monitoring of train axle-box units during movement. This will considerably increase traffic safety of railway transport
Key words: pyroelectric detector, stability to vibrations, infrared, optical scheme, microprocessor.

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