
Nauka innov. 2006, 2(6):84-87

V. P. Gorishniak, O. G. Denisov, S. Ye. Kuzmin, V. N. Radzikhovsky, В. М. Shevchuk
Council for Ukraine Productive Forces Studies, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


The Radiometric Imaging System for Concealed Weapon Detection

Section: The World of Innovations
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: A capability of concealed weapon detection using the radiometric system has been investigated. The single-channel passive imaging system which operates in 3 millimeter W-band allows to detect and distinguish metal and plastic objects under person's clothes. The necessity of multichannel systems creation with large quantities of sensors for work in real time has been shown.
Key words: millimeter wave band, passive location, radiometric receiver.

1. Ferris D. D., Currie N. C. Overview of current technology in MMW radiometric sensors for law enforcement applications. Proceeding of the SPIE Conference on Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology. April, 2000: 61–71 [in English].
2. Lang R. J., Ward L. F., Cunningham J. W. Close range high-resolution W-band radiometric imaging system for security screening applications. Proceeding of the SPIE Conference on Passive MillimeterWave Imaging Technology. April, 2000: 34–39 [in English].