
Nauka innov. 2006, 2(6):59-64

B. V. Grinyov, V. V. Nekrasov, Y. O. Borodenko, V. V. Bilogub
Institute for Scintillation Materials, NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv


Development of Scientific and Technical Principles for Making Detection Blocks Based on Scintillator-Photodiode System for the Positron-Emission Tomography

Section: Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: A technological process and production of the position-sensitive detectors for the positron-emission tomography, introscopy has been developed first in Ukraine. On the base of developed technological process it is proposed to replace the 64-crystal matrix with the common base for the photomultiplier tube in the positron-emission tomography detector by the matrix consisting of 64 detection blocks based on a new system scintillator-photodiode. Such matrix permits to use a wide set of scintillation materials from CsI(Tl) to LSO. The replacement of the photomultiplier tube by the photodiode matrix will allow to reduce significantly the data obtaining time, so to minimize the radiation dose for a patient. Moreover, using a wide range of scintillation materials, it will be possible to produce detector matrixes with different features and technical characteristics. This allows to enlarge the range of tasks for nuclear medicine and to make a positron-emission tomography more accessible to population of Ukraine.
Key words: imaging array, scintillator, photodiode, position-emission tomography.

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