Nauka innov. 2006, 2(5):94-104
V. M. Trehobchuk
Institute of Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Actual Problems of Innovative and Investment Development of National Agroindustrial Complex
Section: Agroindustrial and Agricultural Technologies
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with theoretical, methodological, organizational and economic aspects as to transfer of national agroindustrial production on innovative model of development. Accents were made on the problems, which are specific for scientific and innovative activity in Ukrainian agroindustrial complex. Market of hi-tech products and small business in the scientific and innovative sphere of AIC are the other questions analyzed in this article.
Key words: innovative and investment model of development, national agroindustrial complex, scientific and investment activity, market of hi-tech production, small business in scientific and innovative sphere.
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