
Nauka innov. 2006, 2(5):18-24

D. O. Yeger1, Yu. O. Zarubin1, M. V. Gunda1, V. P. Gryshanenko1, A. O. Vasenjova1, O. V. Gorbunov1, Yu. S. Levandovych1, A. V. Kuchernjuk2
1 SE "Naukanaftogaz", Kyiv
2 NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine", Kyiv


Efficiency of Application of the Horizontal Wells’ System for Extraction of High-Viscosity Oil Reserves

Section: Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The most perspective direction in relation to the increase of production efficiency of high-viscosity oil reserves and hard-extractive reserves of hydrocarbons with the use of the system of horizontal wells is considered, which require wide application in oil-gas industry of Ukraine. With an example of Orhovuchy deposit demonstrated effective application of the system of horizontal wells with reservoir pressure maintenance which will allow to provide working out of methodology of high-viscosity oil pool development by the system of horizontal wells with the subsequent use of the acquirements on the deposits of oil-gas complex of Ukraine.
Key words: deposit, pool, well, horizontal boreholes, hard-extractive reserves, development, coefficient of oilextraction.

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