
Nauka innov. 2006, 2(5):4-17

D. V. Malytskyy, O. S. Fedoryshyn, P. I. Kchekalo
Carpathian Division of the S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Lviv


Prediction of Petroleum-Gas Content of Rocks Using Elastic Wave Velocity, Absorption Coefficients and Recurrence Relations

Section: Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: An expediency of physical and mathematical modeling for finding effective physical descriptions of rocks was proved. A study of the propagation of seismic waves in vertically inhomogeneous medium, as well as in cracked-porous mountain ranges, taking into account the damping waves was carried out.
Correlations relations and empiric dependencies between collector features (porosity, crackness, perspicacity) and parameters of elastic waves for the outer zone of Carpathian foredeep have been determined. Method of predicting physical and reservoir properties of reservoir rocks  and  estimation of their petrolium-gas saturation has been developed. Criterious for prediction of petrolium and gas content are confirmed by method approbation with real materials of industrial geophysics
Key words: porosity, collector, mathematical modeling, rock, reccurent relationship, cracked-porous medium, characteristic matrix.

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