Nauka innov. 2006, 2(3):92-97
A. Kozhevnikov
National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Impulse Technology of Drilling Deep Geology-Exploring Holes by High-Frequency Hydrodrill Machines with Hydraulic Wave Reflectors
Section: Energy-Saving Technologies in Mining and Metallurgy, Fuel and Energy Complex of Ukraine
Language: Russian
Abstract: The article is devoted to problems of increase of efficiency drilling of deep geologyexploring holes. In work the new method of impulse drilling – rotaryshock drilling by highfrequency hydrodrill machines with reflectors of hydraulic waves develops. Is established, that it's efficiency is determined by a parity of levels of a shock potency of the hydrodrill machine and a stope potency of rotary drilling and will increase with growth of depth of a hole. The dual negative role of the temperature factor is uncovered, is shown, that the efficiency of drilling is under influence of termophysical property of rock, material of a drill bore and clearing agent. the new constructions of reflectors and scheme of their installations in arrangement with hydrodrill machine are offered. The main outcomes of work have found industrial application in practice of deep geologyexploring holes.
Key words: rotaryshock drilling, hole, hydrodrill machine, reflector, impulse technology.
1. Kozhevnikov A. A. Nauchnye osnovy vrashhatel'noudarnogo burenija glubokih geologorazvedochnyh skvazhin vysokochastotnymi gidroudarnymi mashinami s otrazhateljami gidravlicheskih voln: Dis. dokt. tehn. nauk. Dnepropetrovsk, 1998 [in Russian].
2. Kozhevnikov A. A., Goshovskij S. V., Martynenko I. I. Impul'snye tehnologii burenija geologorazvedochnyh skvazhin. Kyiv: Izd. UkrGGRI, 2003 [in Russian].