
Nauka innov. 2006, 2(3):80-91

B. S. Busygin1, S. L. Nikulin1, V. V. Zalesskiy2
1 National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
2 KP "Kirovgeologiya" Kamyanka Cherkasy Region, Ukraine


Computer Technology for Gold Search Within South-West Downhill of the Ukrainian Shield

Section: Energy-Saving Technologies in Mining and Metallurgy, Fuel and Energy Complex of Ukraine
Language: Russian
Abstract: The computer technology of integrated complex geological and geophysical data analysis at gold search process within southwest downhill of the Ukrainian Shield is presented. The specialized geoinformation system RAPID is described. The results of technology application on Sorokinskaya greenstone structure including perspective goldbearing sites detection are adduced. The recommendations for large scale research organization within the site bounds are given.
Key words: computer technology, geoinformation system, oregold object, geological and geophysical surveys, forecasting maps.

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