Nauka innov. 2006, 2(3):75-79
V. P. Franchuk, K. S. Zabolotny, T. V. Bezpalko
National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Educational Centre on CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM and CALS Technologies
Section: Energy-Saving Technologies in Mining and Metallurgy, Fuel and Energy Complex of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The educational centre on CAD/САМ/CAE/PDM and CALS technologies of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine was created on the base of mining machines and engineering chair of National mining university for competitive of domestic industry guaranteeing. The purposes of centre work are retraining and raising the skill level of teachers of higher education institutes, specialists of enterprises, organizations and others; carrying out researches, granting engineering and consulting service; development of proper methodical supply on CAD/САМ/CAE/PDM and CALS technologies.
Key words: educational centre, CAD/САМ/CAE/PDM, CALS, informational technologies, SolidWorks, engineering, design.