Nauka innov. 2006, 2(3):54-58
R. P. Didyk
National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Conditions of Submicrocrack Formation During Shock-Wave Treatment of Metals
Section: Energy-Saving Technologies in Mining and Metallurgy, Fuel and Energy Complex of Ukraine
Language: English
Abstract: The formation of submicrocracks located at a quite substantial distance from the source of disturbance, under the action of powerful shock waves has been observed and studied by electron microscopy. The ultimate parameters of the shock waves (pressure, deformation degree) at which the submicrocrack formation is eliminated, have been determined theoretically and confirmed experimentally. Effective means for the prevention of the microfaults formation in the process of explosive hardening treatment of metals have been developed.
Key words: Hardening, shock waves, submicrocracks, deformation degree, detonation, explosives.
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