Nauka innov. 2006, 2(3):12-19
G. G. Pivnyak, V. V. Tkachov, V. T. Zaika
National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Control System of Power Supply in Under-Ground Coal Mining
Section: Energy-Saving Technologies in Mining and Metallurgy, Fuel and Energy Complex of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Level of application of mining machines and devices for coal production by criterion of energy consumption is analysed. It is noted that installed drive capacity has increased dozens of times more and has amounted to 710 kW of coalplough machines, 400–500 kW of longwall and trunk conveyors and tunnel complexes, but it has not resulted in coal mining energy intensity reduction. On the contrary, steady tendency to increase is traced. According to experimental results energy saving reserves amount to 13–19 % for production units, 12–57 % for trunk conveyor transport, 3–10 % for pumping. Control system of under ground mining power supply (CSUMPS) is offered for using of the reserves. CSUMPS is based on upto date computer technologies. It is noted that CSUMPS allows to organize effective longterm energy saving work at main units and raise level of control and underground electric system operational safety owing to making of reliable electric energy demand database. Payback period of the system is 12–15 months at mines with 1.0–1.2 million tons annual output.
Key words: mining machines, power supply, energy saving reserves, energy usage control, system.
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