Sociological Comprehension of the Preset-Day Ukrainian Society Modernization

TitleSociological Comprehension of the Preset-Day Ukrainian Society Modernization
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPetrushyna, TO
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionGeneral Problems of the Modern Research and Innovation Policy
Introduction. Despite its widespread usage, the concept of “modernization” is not clearly defined. Concretization of its meaning depends on the researcher’s worldview position.
Problem Statement. The introduction of neoliberal economic principles did not lead to the improvement of society and the growth of human well-being. It transformed Ukraine into a raw-material appendage of global capitalism and the poorest country in Europe.
Purpose. To analyze public opinion on the modernization of Ukrainian society and identify the prospects for science and innovative development in Ukraine.
Materials and Methods. Analysis of statistical information and scientific publications on the problems of modernization, data of the sociological monitoring of social changes in Ukrainian society and two expert surveys (scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and specialists on innovative development).
Results. The author has proved that the transformation of Ukrainian society is not, in essence, a modernization. It is a neoliberal experiment under the guise of modernism, which rejected Ukraine from the cohort of the most industrially and scientifically developed countries to the periphery of the modern world, led to impoverishment and total despair of the majority of citizens. The author substantiates that it is impossible to modernize Ukraine and turn to innovative development within the existing neoliberal model and the oligarchic power rooting. As a result of financial genocide and the lack of state support, science in Ukraine is deprived of the opportunity to effectively perform its public functions, in particular, to be one of the decisive agents of modernization of society in the interests of all citizens.
Conclusions. The specific political and ideological interests of a global capital stand behind the theory of modernization as an ideological and theoretical construct of modernity. The theory and practice of neoliberal modernization imposed on Ukraine as the main mean of reaching the path of successful socio-economic development have not lived up to the expectations and led to a chronic crisis state of the society. It requires finding another alternative model of development.
Keywordsinnovative development, modernization of society, neoliberal modernization, polls (sociological surveys), public opinion, science in Ukraine, Ukrainian society
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