Precise Temperature-Controlled Complex of Cryogenic Apparatus for Researches of Current-Voltage Characteristics of Tunnel Contacts of Super-Conducting Materials

TitlePrecise Temperature-Controlled Complex of Cryogenic Apparatus for Researches of Current-Voltage Characteristics of Tunnel Contacts of Super-Conducting Materials
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsZharkov, IP, Safronov, VV, Khodunov, VO, Konoval, VM, Maslov, VO, Selivanov, OV, Solonetsky, AG, Kalenyuk, AA, Shapovalov, AP, Shaternik, VE
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionResearch and Engineering Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Introduction. The study of current-voltage characteristics (CVC) and their derivatives of tunnel contacts and hybrid heterostructures based on superconducting and ferromagnetic materials under influence microwave radiations and magnet fields in the wide range of temperatures is an actual task for development of element base of spintronics, superconducting electronics (in particular, for superconductive and quantum computers) and ultrasensitive sensors.
Problem Statement. One of the modern informative physical methods for studying the properties of tunnel contacts and hybrid heterostructures based on superconducting and ferromagnetic materials is the study of CVC and their derivatives in the low temperature region (mainly liquid helium range) in a magnetic field. This includes the study of magnetoresistance, hall effect, quantum hall effect, in particular under the action of spin injection. To date, there is no precision complex of temperature-controlled cryogenic equipment for the study of CVC of tunnel contacts of superconducting materials, which could fully meet the needs of studying the parameters of superconducting materials.
Purpose. Development of design and manufacture of precision temperature-controlled complex of cryogenic equipment for research of CVC of tunnel contacts of superconducting materials.
Results. A complex of precision temperature-controlled cryogenic system (temperature range 2.0-300K) has been fabricated for the study of CVC of tunnel contacts of superconducting materials. The complex is based on a liquid-flow helium cryostat with built-in superconducting solenoid (SCS) (magnetic field range 0-2.9T) and a specialized manipulator for changing the direction of the magnetic field, with a temperature regulator, with a programmable sCs power supply, automated measuring unit of CVC and software to it.
Conclusions. The characteristics of the created cryocomplex are not inferior to the parameters of the best western analogues, and in terms of cost-effectiveness of cryoagent and service use they exceed them.
Keywordscurrent-voltage characteristics, superconducting heterostructures, temperature-controlled helium cryosystem, tunnel contacts
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