On the Issue of Choice of the Parameter Optimization Method for a Guided Missile

TitleOn the Issue of Choice of the Parameter Optimization Method for a Guided Missile
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSenkin, VS, Syutkina-Doronina, SV
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionResearch and Engineering Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Introduction. The design of guided missiles is connected with high costs of material and financial resources. The need to reduce them at the initial design phase of guided missiles imposes stringent requirements to formalization of design problems, the solution methods, the adequacy of mathematical models employed and the quality of design solutions.
Problem Statement. One of the design problems for guided missiles is to develop methodology for optimization of design parameters and motion control programs of guided missiles.
Purpose. The aim of the article is to develop methodology to optimization of design parameters and control programs, as well as the formalization of problem and the choice of method to optimize the characteristics of guided missiles capable of flying along different trajectories.
Materials and Methods. Deterministic optimization methods are used to solve the problem of nonlinear mathematical programming with limitations in form of equality, inequality and differential constraints.
Results. The application programs have been developed to solve the optimization problem for single-stage guided missile with solid rocket motors. The developed methodology has been tested by solving design problem of hypothetical guided missile with a starting weight of 300 kg that is capable of flying along a ballistic trajectory for vertical and oblique types of start. The use of the Hooke-Jeeves zero-order pattern search, which does not use the calculation of partial derivatives of the objective function by optimization parameters, which most reduces the search time of the optimal solution of the complex problem, was shown to be expedient.
Conclusion. The developed methodology allows one to determine, to the accuracy required in design studies, the flight control programs optimal in a given class of functions and advisable values of the design parameters and basic characteristics for guided missiles.
Keywordsdesign parameters, guided missile, initial design phase, mathematical model, motion control programs, optimization, solid rocket motors, trajectory parameters

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