Legislative Framework for the Deveopment of Innovative Infrastructure of Efficient Use and Protection of Land under Forest Shelter Belt Plantations
Title | Legislative Framework for the Deveopment of Innovative Infrastructure of Efficient Use and Protection of Land under Forest Shelter Belt Plantations |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Savchuk, OO, Liubchych, AM |
Short Title | Nauka innov. |
DOI | 10.15407/scin15.03.005 |
Volume | 15 |
Issue | 3 |
Section | General Problems of the Modern Research and Innovation Policy |
Pagination | 5-14 |
Language | Ukrainian |
Abstract | Introduction. Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine on the Environment Protection states that the use of environment as a total of environmental, natural and social conditions and processes, natural resources, both involved in an economic circulation and not used in economic activities in this period (earth, bowels, water, atmospheric air, forest and other vegetation, fauna, landscapes and other natural complexes) are protected and regulated by the state of Ukraine.
Problem Statement. One of the major problem in the field of the innovative infrastructure is absence of the legal regulation of the efficient use and protection of land under afforestation belts; reduction of area of the linear-type forest shield belt as a result of illegal economic activities; reduction of financing of scholarly researches on forest amelioration, etc. Purpose. To develop new scientific approaches to the specific features of legal nature of forest shelter belts and legal arrangements in the sphere of forest economy and to form the scientifically justified suggestions on mechanisms for implementing the mentioned legal arrangements. Materials and Methods. The method of scientific generalization, as well as logical and comparative methods have been used. Results. Taking into account the norms of national and international legislation, among the basic law-regulated ways of addressing the problems related to forest shelter belts that have not been transferred for use, there are the following measures: based on decision of regional public administration, to carry out inventory of agricultural lands covered by forest shelter belts; to record information obtained as a result of the land inventory in the State Land Cadaster; and to elaborate and to approve the respective specifications, etc. Conclusions. Two options of solving the indicated problem have been offered and specific measures taking into account the norms of applicable legislation (national and foreign) have been suggested. |
Keywords | forest shelter belt plantations, innovative infrastructure, legal framework, legal relations, procedure |
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