"CRYО F-PHP" Automated Cryogenic Installation for Certifying the Characteristics of Optical Filters and Photodetectors
Title | "CRYО F-PHP" Automated Cryogenic Installation for Certifying the Characteristics of Optical Filters and Photodetectors |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Demishev, AG |
Short Title | Nauka innov. |
DOI | 10.15407/scin15.02.005 |
Volume | 15 |
Issue | 2 |
Section | Scientific Basis of Innovation Activity |
Pagination | 5-16 |
Language | Ukrainian |
Abstract | Introduction. Defense technology industries rapidly growing, the problem of certification of optical filters and photodetectors becomes very relevant.
Problem Statement. Certification of the characteristics of optical filters and photodetectors at the metrological level is complicated by the fact that measurement results obtained in a series of consecutive experiments are practically incomparable. Purpose. An ideal solution of the whole complex of problems is to create an automated cryogenic installation for certifying the characteristics of optical filters and photodetectors within the temperature range from 2.5 to 300 K, in single experiment. Materials and Methods. The material of this research is a design of the cryogenic part of the installation. Its efficiency is determined by analyzing the thermal balance modules and by the method of certification of filters and photodetectors in single experiment. Results. CRYO F—PHP installation has been proposed, its cryogenic part consists of a functionally completed fully rotating cassette module with a holder of photoelectric sensors and a module with fully rotating cassette with filters. Each module has shields and is equipped with its own system for cooling and maintaining the desired temperature, as well as with current collectors and identifiers of the number of photodetector and filter in the operating position. Conclusions. The installation design and the corresponding research methodology provide a solution to the whole complex of problems related to certifying the parameters of optical filters and photodetectors in the temperature range from 2.5 to 300K, at the metrological level, in single experiment and simulating their real operation in normal conditions. Due to advantages of the design and efficiency of certification in a single experiment, the proposed installation significantly surpasses the known analogs. |
Keywords | certification of the parameters of optical filters and photodetectors, cryogenic optical installation |
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