Scientific Diaspora in Germany: Directions of Cooperation with Ukraine

TitleScientific Diaspora in Germany: Directions of Cooperation with Ukraine
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsTroyan, VM
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionResearch and Engineering Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Introduction. The utilization of potential capacity of the scientific diaspora is one of the modern approaches to modernizing and integrating the scientific systems of many countries into the world research area.
Problem Statement. At the level of nationwide scientific policy, the problem of using the scientific diaspora remains unresolved so far.
Purpose. To review the activities of the Ukrainian scientific diaspora in Germany in the context of cooperation with Ukraine in the field of science and education.
Materials and methods. The analysis of events and scholarly research publications of the diaspora and Ukrainian researchers concerning scientific cooperation.
Results. In 2016-2017, the scientific diaspora of Germany founded the Ukrainian Academic International Network, established the German-Ukrainian Academic Society, and carried out contests for doctoral (PhD) theses, summer schools, courses, conferences, seminars, lectures, the Forum of Young Scientists at Ukrainian institution, etc. The topics of events address the problems of modern prospective researches and social challenges, technology transfer issues, commercialization of scientific results, popularization of achievements of Ukrainian scientists, discussion of ways to finance science in Ukraine and opportunities provided by German funds and international scientific programs. Examples of German-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of education and science have been given, and several joint research projects and studies have been initiated.
Conclusion. The systematic cooperation with scientific diaspora is important for the development of research and innovation potential of Ukraine, facilitates the reformation of education and science and integration into the international scientific community.
KeywordsGerman-Ukrainian Academic Society, scientific cooperation, scientific diaspora, Ukrainian Academic International Network

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