Monitoring of the Orbital Position of a Geostationary Satellite by the Spatially Separated Reception of Signals of Digital Satellite Television

TitleMonitoring of the Orbital Position of a Geostationary Satellite by the Spatially Separated Reception of Signals of Digital Satellite Television
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsKaliuzny, MP, Bushuev, FI, Sybiryakova, Ye.S, Shulga, OV, Shakun, LS, Bezrukovs, V, Kulishenko, VF, Moskalenko, SS, Malynovsky, Ye.V, Balagura, OA
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Framework of Innovation Activities
The results of the determination of the geostationary satellite «Eutelsat-13B» orbital position obtained during 2015-2016 years using European stations’ network for reception of DVB-S signals from the satellite are presented. The network consists of five stations located in Ukraine and Latvia. The stations are equipped with a radio engineering complex developed by the RI «MAO». The measured parameter is a time difference of arrival (TDOA) of the DVB-S signals to the stations of the network. The errors of TDOA determination and satellite coordinates, obtained using a numerical model of satellite motion, are equal ±2.6m and ±35m respectively. Software implementation of the numerical model is taken from the free space dynamics library OREKIT.
KeywordsDVB-S, orbit of geostationary satellite, radiointerferometer, TDOA
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