The Technology of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Reduction at Pulverized Coal Burning

TitleThe Technology of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Reduction at Pulverized Coal Burning
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsDunaevska, NI, Nehamin, MM, Bondzyk, DL
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Framework of the Innovation Activity
To assess the effectiveness of the influence of thermochemical preparation of anthracite on the formation of nitrogen oxides the three-dimensional numerical model of the TPP-210A boiler`s furnace for standard and modified burners was created. The calculation results are shown the decrease of NOx concentration across the height of the furnace and reduce of the unburnt coal for the modified burners in comparison with standard ones.
Keywordsanthracite, burner, coal thermochemical preparation, nitrogen oxides

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