Thermoelectric Device «ALTEC-7012» for Human Head Cooling

TitleThermoelectric Device «ALTEC-7012» for Human Head Cooling
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAnatychuk, LI, Knyshov, GV, Krykunov, ОА, Kobyliansky, RR, Tyumentsev, VA, Moskalyk, IA
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionGeneral Questions of Modern Research and Innovation Policy
The paper presents the results of computer simulation of thermophysical processes in human head under given heat fluxes on its surface. The disadvantages of the existing physical models of human head are revealed and the ways for their improvement are proposed. With regard to computer simulation results, an experimental sample of thermoelectric device for human head cooling «ALTEC-7012» which is promising for human brain hypothermia has been designed and manufactured.
Keywordsbrain hypoxia, computer simulation, human head cooling, thermoelectric cooling

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