Mathematical Modeling of Cylindrical Adapter Dynamics under Local Pulse Loading

TitleMathematical Modeling of Cylindrical Adapter Dynamics under Local Pulse Loading
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsLugovy, PZ, Sirenko, VM, Skosarenko, Yu.V, Batutina, TYa.
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Framework of the Innovation Activity
The methods and computing program to determine displacements and accelerations of points of the cylindrical shell middle surface -adapter, under the local short-term loads were developed. On the test example the influence of a local short-term load on the vibrations and deformation parameters was investigated. It was found that at the local and short-term loads the localization of the maximum displacements and accelerations was observed in the places of external forces application. The developed methods can be used for preliminary calculations of vibrations and deformation parameters of structural elements in the form of smooth cylindrical shells subjected to strong local dynamic loads.
Keywordsadapter, cylindrical shell, distribution of accelerations, the local impulse loading

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