Implementation of New Technologies of Chemical and Phytomelioration of Acidic and Saline Soils

TitleImplementation of New Technologies of Chemical and Phytomelioration of Acidic and Saline Soils
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsZaimenko, NV, Didyk, NP, Ellans`ka, NE, Ivanytska, BO, Pavliuchenko, NA, Rakhmetov, DB, Kharytonova, IP
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The newest technology of reclamation of acid and saline soils, based on the integrated use of silicon compounds with cultivation of cereals, legumes and cruciferous plant species was implemented. The technological regulations for the use of chemical and phytomeliorants in different soil-climatic zones of Ukraine were worked out. The silicone-containing mixtures with a high meliorative potential and the optimal dosages for their application were determined. A comprehensive study of the chemical and phytomeliorants was conducted; their role in stimulation of the development of agriculturally useful microbiota, reducing soil sickness, increasing of the plant adaptive potential to abiotic stress factors was defined. Application of silicon-containing mixtures improved agrophysical, agrochemical, biological characteristics of soil, reduced its toxicity and soil sickness. The structure of crop rotation was improved.
Keywordsacidic and saline soils, adaptive potential, chemical and phytomelioration, crops, silicon-containing mixture

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