Heat-Resistance of the Powder Cobalt Alloys Reinforced by Niobium or Titanium Carbide

TitleHeat-Resistance of the Powder Cobalt Alloys Reinforced by Niobium or Titanium Carbide
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsCherepova, TS, Dmitrieva, GP, Nosenko, VK
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Basis of Innovation Activity
The characteristics of heat-resistance of powder cobalt alloys at 1100 °C were investigated. These alloys were developed for the protection of workers banding shelves GTE blades from wear. The alloys were prepared by hot pressing powders of cobalt, chromium, aluminum, iron and niobium or titanium carbides. The values of heat resistance alloys containing carbides between 30 and 70% (vol.) depend on the type made of carbide alloys: alloys with titanium carbide superior in heat-resistant alloy of niobium carbide. The most significant factor affecting on the heat-resistant alloys, is porosity: with its increase the parameters decline regardless of the type and content of carbide. The optimum composition of powder heat resisting alloys of titanium carbide with a melting point above 1300 °C were determined for use in the aircraft engine.
Keywordscobalt alloys, heat resistance, niobium carbide, titanium carbide

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