
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(4):5-12

A.S. Popovych 
Dobrov Centre for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


On the Urgent Need for Action Aimed at the Capitalization of the Social and Psychological Components of Scientific and Technological Potential

Section: General Questions of Modern Research and Innovation Policy
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The problems of national science social capital falling are analyzed, attention is focused on the fact that the level of science support by the state and industry depends not only on the economic situation, but mostly on its authority in society, public confidence that is the external component of science social capital. It is substantiated the necessity of increased efforts of the scientific community towards popularizing the achievements of national science and the formation of large-scale program of activities to increase the authority of science in general and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in particular.
Keywords: scientific potential, social capital of science, habitus, popularization of science and scientific knowledge, confidence in science.

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