Electrical Supply System for the Experimental Zero-Energy Building (of 300 m2) Based on Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources

TitleElectrical Supply System for the Experimental Zero-Energy Building (of 300 m2) Based on Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsBasok, BI, Belyaeva, TG, Bozhko, IK, Nedbaylo, AN, Novikov, VG, Khybyna, MA
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The results of the development and implementation of the power supply system of the experimental zero-energy building based on renewable and alternative energy sources are presented. CDF-model to determine the optimal conditions for the deployment of wind energy installations within the building limits is developed.

Keywordsenergy efficient building, passive house, solar electrical panel, wind power facility, zero-energy building

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