Nauka innov. 2015, 11(5):43-48
I.P. Zharkov1, V.Ye. Kutniy2, A.V. Rybka2, S.P. Palamarchuk1, V.V. Safronov1, A.V. Selivanov1, A.I. Solonetskiy1, V.A. Khodunov1, G.O. Kholomeev2
1Institute of Physics, NАS of Ukraine, Kyiv
2National Scientific Center «Kharkiv Institute of Physics & Technology», NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv
Thermoregulated Nitric Cryosystem for Cooling Gas-Filled Detectors of Ionizing Radiation
Section: Scientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Cryosystem for cooling and filling of gas-filled detectors of ionizing radiation with compressed inert gas on the basis of wide-nitrogen cryostat, which provides detetector temperature control in a range of 173 — 293 K and its stabilization with accuracy of ± 1°. The work was carried out within the Ukraine — NATO Program of Collaboration, Grant SfP #984655.
Keywords: cryosystem, nitrogen, temperature control, temperature stability, gas-filled radiation detectors.
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